Best Way to Nap: Short and Sweet

by Nod on 29/07/2012

road sign Best Way to Nap: Short and Sweet

Highway sign in Australia. Photo by tm-tm.

My to-do list is a mile long and, more often than not, my day-to-day schedule is jam packed. I love being busy but sometimes I get in over my head and end up over-committing. This usually results in stress and worry, and what I wouldn’t give to lie down for a few minutes! I’ve never been able to just “close my eyes” though and jump right back up ready to go full speed. This is where the power nap comes in…

I recently discovered a napping method called Tension Relaxation, a technique for taking short naps featured in the Power Nap Kit, a useful product specifically intended for hectic lives.  I found it while researching and writing my college honors essay, and it’s ended up helping me far and beyond school. It’s a voice-guided session that teaches you to relax from head to toe.

The purpose is to help you sleep for 5 – 20 minutes, waking you up at the end with soft chimes. The great thing about this method is that once you’ve practiced, you can do it anywhere – from plane trips and car rides to even helping you fall asleep at night. You alternate between contracting and relaxing your muscles, pin-pointing when and where you’re tense. So often we don’t even realize we’re on edge.

I’ve never been able to take a successful power nap and now I can.  This has changed the busy life I lead from constant motion to easy rest in the middle of my crazy schedule. And in times like these, what more can we ask for?

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sandra407 09.09.09 at 10:51

Hi! I was surfing and found your blog post… nice! I love your blog. :) Cheers! Sandra. R.

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