About Me

Emily S


A young woman, recently married, residing in the Carolinas, U.S.A.


Keeping busy. Helping change lives for the better.
Encouraging and motivating people to live  healthier lives.

My health interests?

Graduated from college in 2006 with a B.S. in health promotion. Flew to Africa and spent 4 ½ months in Liberia, West Africa working with a non-profit relief and development organization that focuses on health education, malnourished children, providing safe water and sanitation, spreading awareness of HIV/AIDS to the war afflicted and impoverished people and especially the children.

Have also traveled and worked on missions to Canada, Ukraine, Romania, and Bolivia.

Life changing experience?

Yes.  The mission to Liberia was not only a cultural awakening, it was a transformative life experience.  Reinforced my confidence that working in healthcare as a problem solver is a good fit for my talents and interests.

What else?

Here in the U.S.  I often work with youth who are in difficult situations or have special needs.  I volunteer in my church.  I guess I’m just a normal person who has seen my own share of difficult and painful times, and knowing the grace given to me, I want to share it with others.

My interest in sleep and snoozing?

Dates back to the Thesis I wrote my senior year of college on the effects of nap taking in college women.  If sleep deprivation is a danger, then the work and research I did was just the tip of the shark’s fin; since then I have been following sleep news and research.

Why the snooze blog?

I have often struggled to get good sleep, but also know the value of getting it.  Good quality sleep in sufficient quantity is an elusive goal, but the prospect of discovering solutions to sleep problems for people of all ages is one of my key motivating reasons for creating this blog.

The At Peace Media connection?

In trying to decide on a senior thesis topic, the Program Director, Dr. Judy Sandlin, showed me materials she had obtained at a recent conference.  The materials were from At Peace Media LLC, and included the Power Nap Kit product.  She gave me all the information for my consideration.  And so I decided to see if I could study the effects of nap taking in college women using the Power Nap Kit.  Short of funds (like most college students), I contacted the company and they were pleased to be helpful in my research by providing complimentary copies (about 20) of Power Nap Kit.  We have stayed in touch since, doing interviews, discussing Dr. Sandlin’s further research on the subject of sleep, attending the first Big Sleep Show in Chicago, and now working together on this blog.  At Peace Media has been a fun company to work with, and their approach to all stress-related subjects is from a mind-body standpoint.  They don’t make pills.

Last but not least:

Learning about, researching and writing on sleep issues meets a personal need and gives me a powerful sense of purpose through the possibility of helping someone.  If you read something here that helps you lead a healthier life, then in one small way my mission is accomplished – and by all means pass on to others whatever is helpful. In addition I love my husband, my family, and God. They are everything to me; with and through them, all of life takes place.

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{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Linda Penkala 07.11.09 at 21:09

Thanks for you sharing your journey. Would love to connect our “helping others” blogs, as I do the same through the natural world of essential oils. And there are many to help with sleep as I am like you with needing to fall asleep, then to stay asleep. I also love God, my husband and four kids, and feel so Blessed to be able to share what I have learned as a massage therapist, and now as a wellness educator through my blog and classes.
Keep “in touch”


admin 09.24.09 at 08:55

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

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