What Not to Eat

by Nod on 11/10/2012

I love Asian food and could probably eat it every night. It doesn’t usually bother me, but sometimes I eat too much and it’s a little spicier than my system can handle so I wake up thirsty at night. I’m not going to give up my favorite foods, but there are a few modifications I should probably make. Here are some guidelines to follow on eating and drinking before bedtime by WebMD:

  • Finish heavy or spicy foods at least 4 hours before bedtime to prevent heartburn or GERD when trying to sleep.
  • Stay hydrated during the day, but slow down consumption before bed so you don’t have to get up at night. It’s suggested to cut fluids by 8pm.
  • Reduce fat. The more you consume during the day, the less likely you’ll be to have a restful night. So pick something other than a burger and fries when your willpower allows you.
  • Watch out for hidden caffeine: chocolate, soda, tea… even decaf coffee all contain enough caffeine to disrupt sleep.
  • Check medications (both prescription and otherwise) as caffeine is often in pain relievers, diuretics, and cold medicine.
  • Ease up the nightcap. I love a glass of wine in the evenings here and there, because it helps me fall asleep faster, but it actually wakes me up later. It can also cause headaches, night sweats, and nightmares. When consuming alcohol, balance each drink with a glass of water to dilute the effects.
  • Limit protein in the evenings because it’s harder to digest. Skip high-protein snacks before bed too.
  • Smoking might seem relaxing, but it’s not! Nicotine is a stimulant and affects the body similarly to caffeine.

I love my Chinese food, but it seems like I’ll have to eat and have my glass of wine earlier in the evening if I’m going to get a good night’s sleep!

chinese food 300x201 What Not to Eat

Photo by ginnerobot


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