Help Me Shut Off My Brain! (Just for tonight)

by Nod on 02/06/2009

Sound like you? Not surprising. With everything going on in our lives, it’s incredibly difficult not to stress over everything you have to do. But this constant mental whirr keeps us from falling asleep and makes it even more difficult to focus during the day! So here are suggestions for when your brain won’t shut up and all you want is a little rest:

  • Write things down. In college, I kept a notepad on my nightstand. As soon as some chore or idea came to mind, I wrote it down so it wouldn’t keep me awake. Sometimes I even write a To-Do List or schedule for the next day so I won’t lie in bed organizing. It’s much easier to prioritize and relax when everything is on paper.
  • Counteract. Swap worrisome thoughts with positive answers or realistic solutions to improve a situation.
  • Think.  Drink your morning coffee in silence instead of reading the paper. Setting aside time to daydream keeps us relaxed and focused. Even give yourself time to worry. Once you allow yourself the (undivided) time to work through something, it’s easier to solve. We need time to process. Our hectic lives don’t let us digest until evening, when we’re tired and less likely to resolve anything.
  • Focus. One peaceful or happy thought can keep distractions from creeping up on you.
  • Pray. If you’re religious, pray or meditate. Sometimes trusting a higher power can take some much needed weight off your shoulders.
  • Train your body. Honestly, routine is boring. But our clocks are biological for a reason and it helps to keep a regular sleep schedule.
  • Establish a sleep environment. Turn off the TV, take a hot shower, drink herbal tea – whatever it takes to get you relaxed and ready for bed.

If these suggestions don’t work, it might help to contact a sleep specialist. Remember training takes time, so be patient. So many factors affect sleep, but being aware of these coping methods might help.

By Emily S.

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