11 Tips: When You Can’t Fall Asleep

by Nod on 08/07/2012

It used to take me about an hour to fall asleep, even when I was completely exhausted. I would toss and turn, looking at the clock every 15 minutes. I’ve gotten better and can now fall asleep in 20 minutes. But I know how frustrating it is to stay awake when you really need a good night’s sleep. So I want to share things I’ve tried and some suggestions from other desperate sleepers and sleep experts.

Everyone is different and has to find what works best for them. To figure out why you can’t fall asleep, evaluate the last few hours before bed. Trial-and-error can help you discover what specifically may be the problem. Relaxation techniques are sometimes needed.

1.      Avoid the TV and computer an hour before bed.

2.      Avoid exercise for at least 2-3 hours.

3.      Avoid cleaning the house an hour before bed.

4.      No caffeine! It can stay in your system for at least 6 hours, so be careful!

5.      Evaluate medications. They may have side effects that could be affecting your sleep.

6.      Eat a light snack. A bowl of cereal or yogurt and crackers contain tryptophan and carbohydrates that help induce sleep.

7.      Wind down. Take a warm bath, listen to soft music, read a book, stretch, do a sudoku puzzle, dim the lights or write in a journal. Anything that relaxes you.

8.      Clear your mind. Write a To-Do list for the next day. This way the mind can finally relax, letting go for the time being.

9.      Lie in bed and relax every muscle in your body. Start at your head and work down to your toes, tightening and relaxing each muscle one at a time.

10.  Breathe slowly and deeply. Hold each breath before slowly exhaling. Continue as your body relaxes and you sink deeper into the mattress.

11.  Try a prescription. Ladies’ Home Journal suggests Zolpidem tartrate (Ambien). “It acts quickly to put you to sleep within 15 to 30 minutes on average. It only lasts four to six hours, so there is a low risk of next-day drowsiness.” The president of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine said that pharmaceutical sleep aids can “nip insomnia in the bud so it doesn’t bloom and become an ongoing issue.” Experiment with everything else before medicating, but remember it’s better to stop an unhealthy cycle before it gets out of control.

Let me know what other methods work, I would love to hear!

By Emily S.

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