Avoid the Flu – Hint, hint – sleep more

by Nod on 09/10/2011

Flu season will soon be making its annual, unwelcome appearance . . . Washing hands more frequently and keeping hands away from the eyes, nose, and mouth are the most common tactics for avoiding flu and other illnesses, but researchers at Stanford University suggest sleep is a deterrant as well.

I’ve  always thought that the body recovers from illness best when getting a lot of sleep. When you’re sick you feel tired for a reason: your  body is fighting hard to kill the virus or bacteria.  When you’re sleeping your body can solely focus on repair. Lead researcher, Mimi Shirasu-Hiza, reported to medHeadlines that the immune system is stronger at night while asleep.

While your immune system is  strongest when you are asleep,  the lack of sleep can also weaken your immune system. Not only is it important to get a lot of sleep when ill,  but it’s also just as important to  get consistent sleep so the immune system stays at peak performance . The Stanford research also showed that impaired circadian rhythms also make it difficult to fight off an infection.  Maintaining your normal, natural sleep patterns ensures a better quality of sleep.  If you must travel (and get jet lag) or work varying shifts try to be even more vigilant about preventing the Swine Flu, because your immune system may already be compromised.

Stay healthy and keep sleeping!

By Emily S.

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