Outdoor Naps

by Nod on 09/05/2009

I have been thoroughly  enjoying Spring.  And it’s  made me think of all the wonderful ways to relax outside in the sunny, warm weather.  I love to read or nap  under a shady tree.  It can be a wonderful stress reliever, well worth the effort  to let your body and mind relax.   Here are some  factors to consider to make your outdoor nap a delight:

Location, location, location…

Shade – A nice shady spot is  good – no worries about oiling up with sunscreen. The sun dehydrates and your body has to work harder to keep cool and repair itself from sun damage –  leaving you feeling more tired than before!

Away from Creepy-crawlies – Remember, you’re outdoors, so getting away from all insects is impossible.  (If that’s top of your list, move to an apartment!)  But do take note if you are near a spot where bees or wasps are nesting.   Bees make me nervous when they’re buzzing around me constantly – not relaxing!  Also check the grass for ant hills.  If you have pets, especially a dog like I do, keep them someplace where they can’t disturb your rest.

Patio or Deck – If your home or apartment has one, lucky you. These can be convenient, safe places to relax with access to anything you might need from home. Be warned, though.  Goings-on inside can be distracting.

nap in hammock Outdoor Naps

Photo by anoldent

What to sit on? Or in?…

Hammock-  Plus side: airflow all around,  comfortable  swaying motion , conforms to body,  usually tied to trees providing shade.  Minus side:  danger of falling out!

Lawn chair- Plus side:  different heights and reclining levels . A chair will keep you off of the ground and  away from crawling critters.  Minus side: they usually don’t allow you to be in any other position then on your back.

Blanket- Spread over the grass there’s plenty of room for movement and different sleeping positions, plus it can provide instant warmth.  Can be tough though finding a spot under the trees without bumpy, pesky roots .

Grass- In pictures  lying in the grass always looks idyllic, so soft and wonderful.  In reality?  Not always a success. The grass tickles me and the thought of bugs crawling on me makes me nervous.


Don’t forget cool drinks, music, and sunglasses.   All important for comfort and relaxation.

Hope this helps you enjoy a serene outdoor nap! It’s  a beautiful Saturday and I’m inspired…

What’s your favorite way to nap outside?

By Emily S.

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